Ok, so here's the deal. I'm tossing around the idea of doing a couple of special MF mini-issues. These mini-issues would feature 3 interviews and a few pages of reviews(music/film/zines,books. mags) The first one would hit the streets in May just in time for the Maryland Death Fest. Interviews in that issue would be: Rob from Fornicator/Whore/Murder Basket, Trap Them, and Skull Hog(ex-Bile from The Netherlands). The second issue mini-issue would happen just in time for Sacrifice of the Nazarene Child Fest 9 that will happen in Texas in June. Interviews include: Bestial Summoning, Ares Kingdom, and Profanatica. MF 6 is still coming out! Still working on it. I just thought it would be cool to have some new MF zines to bring with me to these shows. It's been close to 4-5 years since I put out an issue. Plus it'll really cut down on the layout/printing/cost of MF6 to have it smaller. I'm thinking about printing up a limited amount of each issue to pass out at the shows. After the shows they will be available for purchase for a few bucks. Nothings set in stone as of yet, I'm just toying with the thought of the special mini-issues. What da think?
Been Reading:
Listening to:
Mania-Armed To The Teeth Leviathan - Massive Conspiracy Against All Life Dead Congregation- Death of the archangels Tombs-Winter 08 demo Ufomammut - Idolum Venom-loads of early shit! Profanatica-new track that will appear on PROFANATICA / NUCLEAR DESECRATION / GOATSODOMY / UNHOLY CRUCIFIX Split 12"LPSabbat(UK)-Dreamweaver M.B. - The Plain Truth Clown Alley - Circle of Chaos The Swankys-The Very Best Of Hero
Bands to check out: http://www.myspace.com/mauthausenorchestra http://www.myspace.com/grimness69 http://www.myspace.com/necrostorm666 http://www.myspace.com/analbirthnoise http://www.myspace.com/unholyblackproductions Been Watching:
Next Of Kin-1985
The Van-1974
Death Weekend-1976 Incantation - Golgotha. From the Cell Black Bensalem, PA March 9th, 1992
Living Death Live Treblinka - Hail To Cruelty live at Kafé 44, Stockholm 08/01/26. The line-up for this show consisted of the three original members "Emetic", "Juck The Ripper" and "Najse Auschwitzer" + "Hellbutcher" & "Tyrant" from Nifelheim
Thought it would be a neat and a nice change of pace of an upload. I came across a few boxes full of old catalogs, postcards, newsletters etc. I can't believe I hang onto to this junk. Tell ya what I had alot of fun looking through and scanning of this stuff. I hope you enjoy as well. Postcard from William Bennett(Whitehouse)1998 Darkwave catalog 1994