Thanks to Shay for letting me post her pix from the fest here and to Brian for sending them to me!
This years Maryland Death Fest marked the 5th year in row I've attended! Plenty of memories of alcohol abuse, hanging with old and new friends, and the tons of bands( from Europe no less) that I thought I'd never in my lifetime see live. No doubt this years lineup was the best MDF has thus far presented. Even some black metal thrown in for good measure. Asphyx, Bolt Thrower, and Aura Noir were the stands out for me. Atheist, Mayhem, D.666, Immolation, Victims, and Trap Them were excellent as well. I'm a little bothered I got to the venue too late to catch Jig-Ai and Pigsty. Besides the musical highlights, the after party at the Tremont Hotel(located straight up the street from the Sonar(club venue) was oh so memorable. Accompanied by Alex(Clit Eater), Alex(Birdflesh), and Denis(Romperprop) myself along with buddies Kyle and Sjors desecnt upon the Tremont only to see 3 police cars out front along with the Destroyer 666 guys. A loud chant of "Australia, Australia" rings out much to the dismay of the cops who advise all outside to get inside the hotel. Chaos ensues once in the main lobby as the elevators are overloaded with party goers fleeing the floor and room that had lead the police to the hotel in the first place for the overabundance of "smoke" hehe in the hallway . Folks are now stuck in the elevators. Ah but good samaritans come to the rescue and hand open the elevator doors. Never did make the party but it was good times in the main lobby lol. Never a dull moment at MDF. Till next year...
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