Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Limited supplies of the debut album by Elders of the Apocalypse, featuring past and present members of Your Kid’s on Fire. This isn’t the level of violence you’d expect from YKOF alumni…this is far beyond your feeble mortal imagination. War metal insanity inspired by the likes of Blasphemy, Black Witchery, Conqueror, Revenge, Sarcofago, Beherit, and German thrash. Raw and utterly devastating. This is a cassette edition released by NoVisible Scars. This is not your typical cassette release. NVS provides cover art of the size you would get from an EP record. $7 US/$8 world. ******NEW – YKOF T-SHIRT – See design above Limited supplies, and unless you just arrived in a time machine from a future where even shirts can be downloaded, this is the only place to obtain this shirt. Let’s face it. Nobody likes you. You’ve always wished it could be a simple fix, that if you just bought the right CD or wore the right clothes, you would be the envy of your peers and the lusty target of the opposite sex. Well, YKOF is ready to change your luck in life*, if you will just let us help you. You are GUARANTEED to win the affection of your obsession if you simply own this shirt.** Now, we can’t do everything for you. All shirt sizes are XL, so if that won’t work for you, we suggest you hit the Stairmaster or start lifting weights. (Actually, contact us and we will consider offering different sizes whenever we get around to ordering more shirts.) The shirt is black and costs $10 US/$12 world. This includes postage. You will also be the recipient of a YKOF logo button and sticker. But are you saying to yourself, “I would feel like a complete poser to buy a shirt by a band when I don’t have any of their music”? That’s very perceptive of you. That’s exactly what you would be. But what if we offered a deal where you could get the shirt AND our first CD (plus sticker and button) for the absolute steal of $15? No, even though you probably DID black out last night and just woke up beside a strangled prostitute whom you undoubtedly murdered in cold blood, YOU ARE NOT DREAMING…we are really offering this deal. And relax…experts call prostitutes “high-risk victims.” That means the high-risk is THEIRS for dying in their profession, not yours for killing. You’ll probably get away scot-free. And you can take back the money you paid her for that half-and-half and send it to us instead. Give her one for the road and saunter over to PayPal to send us payment atnonesovile@hotmail.com. Need to send us cash or a money order instead? Email me through the site and I’ll give you the mailing details. So, again – YKOF T-SHIRT + YKOF BUTTON & STICKER -- $10 US/$12 WORLD (postage paid) YKOF T-SHIRT + YKOF – AUGHT SIX: A NECRODYSSEY CD + YKOF BUTTON & STICKER -- $15 US/$17 WORLD (postage paid)
BURNED ALIVE – Total gore/death/grind compilation released by the sickos of Porcupine Press. 29 tracks, 28 bands, including INSECT WARFARE, FONDLECORPSE, BLOOD FREAK, FRIGHTMARE, TU CARNE, GRUESOME STUFF RELISH, BIRDFLESH, POSER DISPOSER, and many more. Approximately 70 minutes of insanity. This comp contains the YOUR KID'S ON FIRE song “Chainsaw Devil,” which the more perceptive among you will notice does not appear on the Aught Six: A Necrodyssey album. This is our homage to the slasher classick PIECES. Buy or die!! $5 US/$6 WORLD
CINERARY – RITUALS OF DESECRATION. Gurgle-obsessed brutal death from the Windy City. A couple of -ion song titles along with “Inheriting the Deified,” so you know exactly what you will get. $3 US/$5 WORLD DEADEN -- DISPLAYING THE ART OF CARNAGE. At last, the comeback album from Chicago death metal sickos! Not for the faint of heart or limp of wrist. Much better than Brutal Death Band X. Morbid samples, lots of speed, utter lyrical depravity. $3 US/$5 world, postage paid. DEADEN – HYMNS TO THE SICK. First full-length from Chicago’s brutal death metal maniacs. Remember when you had to be 18+ to order this from Relapse? Sickening layout, sicker music. $3 US/$5 WORLD LORD GORE – THE AUTOPHAGOUS ORGY. A Razorback release from the earlier part of the decade, this is the debut album from Oregon death metal band LORD GORE. Putrid vocal attack which they swear was accomplished without harmonizers or microphone cupping (you know these guys are getting laid in alarming numbers). Samples from classick films like AFTERMATH, STREET TRASH, and RETURN OF THE LIVING DEAD, and even a couple from brutal HBO prison drama OZ. Delivers the heaviness, occasional Autopsy doom touches, and blasting that you will surely die without, but only if you buy it from us. $3 US/$5 world
* YKOF is not ready to change your luck in life. ** YKOF does not guarantee you will win the affection of your obsession if you buy our T-shirt. ***YKOF stickers are not guaranteed to make you a better musician. | |