If this is your thing than there’re also labels like NoVisible Scars, R.O.N.F, Malignant Records/Black Plague, RRRecords, Turgid Animal, Black Goat, and Frequency 13 with their CDRs of black psychedelic sludge/death/grind/anything to explode into a sulfurous yellow plume between your ears and consistently corrode the flesh into steaming wrinkled putty that is unrecognizable for post mortem identification.
Here are some Toliet/Scatophiliac bands to start off with a sense of humor although they don’t all live down to their names, and one or two iffy gore ones:
Anal Cake:
From the stuff that I’ve heard, their split with Infantiphiliac is high on my want list, but isn’t even listed on discogs(?) so it’s probably some rarity put out by the band on download or in a very limited quantity.
The split with Infantiphiliac is more like Reclusa and Vomitoma, it’s like industrialized sludge. The vocals are indecipherable gurgling from effects like that of a recording of one’s stomach sounds prior to a massive diarrheal surge that’ll leave the scene looking as though a septic system threw up, but on the really bad gore grind stuff circulating that sounds like a child’s whiny crying combined with muffled sharts in a public restroom stall recorded on a cheap toilet microphone. These guys do it RIGHT (even though it does still sorta sound like the aforementioned shart)!!!!!!!
Clogged stomach
This U.S. based act has a cassette, “Demo 6”, available from Degenerate Slime, but the link below is from their “Abdominal Septic Tank” release.

Jarbled excerpts of cannibalism that sounds like some sort of alien porn video intercepted, and then the blasting gorenoise artillery and gurgling pus bubbles begin to erupt.
Now on to the serious and essential stuff:
Black Mold Phallanx
All I know about BMP is that it appears to be a solo satanofecalgorepornosci-fi possession of someone/thing going by the title of “The Dead Spider” who is in charge of all the ‘Fungal Disingorgement, Bassludge, Auditorial Poisoning, Scum Programming…’ on its Unsanitary Breeding Ground Cassette. Now on the split with Pus Pox, BMP is alphanumeric and in charge of ‘…dissolving acidic sewage, deranged auditorial poisoning…’, but in actuality who the Hell cares as long as they put out this horrific industrial death grind flatulence (at least I don’t)? In fact, BMP is the type of act I’d expect on a label such as Crucial Blast/Crucial Blaze, No Visible Scars, Malignant/Black Plague, R.O.N.F., Turgid Animal, and any other respectable labels that specialize in power electronic/noise/industrial/weird ambient and experimental/extreme metal.
Just got this one in today, a split cassette with Geist, and it’s pretty damn good goregrind but as usual there’s no real web info for who this is aside from the links below to start out with. First off, Putrephilia is definitely creative and solid goregrind with lots of twisted pornographic and humorous audio clips, I’ve been playing this one for about an hour or two on repeat each day because it’s just that awesome. Carcass is prevalent here, but overall it sounds like wicked ass death metal with weird gurgly vocals that work, where with many others they typically don’t. Honestly, at times this act just rips out the pig squeel and blistering neck work that will leave you staring blindly into space holding your innards in your arms.
The Geist side is equally terrorizing with solid melodic death metal riffs, lots of grooves and well executed rhythms and of course GORE. I really have to hand it to Geist to get the old school death metal/gore addict in me all stirred up and fiending again… this stuff seriously reminds stuff like Dead Infection, longer Naplam Death songs, and some General Surgery.
Here’s a few others that I’ll have to follow up on when I get more listening time into them, but they sound sort of worthwhile:
I already ranted and raved extensively over their recent split cassette with Degenerate Slug (NVS), but that’s not the extent of their catalog of audible demon guano by any means. Fall of 2011 also bore witness to their full length, The Anti-Conscience (Crucial Blaze), which steps away from the sewer sludge power electronic and sodomizing actions taken out on the mechanical textures of classical industrial from their split with DS only to trudge deeper into a gurgling pit of inhuman grotesque atmospheres steeped in radioactive manure, all the while combining swampy reptilian sicko ambient with slamming riffs of distorted sludge wrecking balls ( like “ -98.6F” which opens the album and probably your skull with metal clamps).
Hells Headbangers, No Visible Scars, Crucial Blast, WOHRT Records, Vaginal Apocalypse Productions, Malignant Records,Degenerate Slime Distro.
Sewer Goddess
Sewer Goddess is female fronted “Death Industrial/Power Electronics goes completely berserk and pre menstrual” genius. Aside from an amazing discography consisting of the two Malignant/Black Plague releases: Disciples of Shit and Live Waste, and the brilliant (full-length) spawn of psychological sepsis, With Dirt You are One; there have been various splits with renown shit throwers Reclusa, Diseased Oblivion, and probably a few others floating around, but the two cds on Malignant/BP are essential and considered by many to me masterpieces, myself included.
To many it may sound like the vocals are a “…bong” as someone commented on a Youtube blurb, but anyone familiar to the genre of extreme goregrind/porngrind/noisecore are not shocked by the mutated pre-diarrheal bowel growls. Besides, it’s not the vocals that matter in some of this more gutteral and putrid bodily fluid worshipping realm of noise, it’s the overall composure of “shit”, “intestines”, “arteries”, “urethras”, and anything involving the further vulgarization of them, especially violently. Okay, I’m just enjoying the sick subject matter and am a toilet humor fiend myself (like that’s a fucking shock, right?), but honestly within this genre you really of have to tread lightly because it is genuinely and not so amusingly full of SHIT, which is part of why I’m writing this toxic scroll to begin with.
In some ways, depending on the album, there’s an early drum machine Mick Harris and Napalm Death complexity and aggression that really catches my attention when it’s present.
I’m really new to Vomitoma but after putting on Vomitomas recent spew fest, Coagulated Dialysis of Partially Distintegrated Viscerosolids, which inspired this entire write-up, I was rewarded with a massive stomper of intestinal industrialized sludge/grind that worked as an appetizer for digging around the sewage trough to uncover some more brilliant festering filth .
***In addition to writing for own blog and MF, Janet also contributes reviews to Metal Maniacs, Hellride Music, and Forbidden Magazine.
MF #6 will see print. I'm calling it a best of issue. It will feature ALL unpublished interviews from 2005-2009.
Bestial Summoning, Cirith Ungol, Elders Of The Apocalypse/Your Kids On Fire, The Rita, Ares Kingdom, Robert Morgan (director), The Haters, Mortuary Drape(from 1994), Phil Swanson(Hour Of 13, Vestal Claret, Seamount).
No music reviews, just film. Also underground artwork from various artists.
Proposed cover artwork courtesy of Paul Ledney(Profanatica/Havohej)

1 comment:
Fuck yeah Bill,
the post looks GREAT!!!!!! I'll definitely send some more wild shit your way soon.
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