Thurs 6/20/08- Woke up and hit the diner down the street before heading out to the NH airport. We were suppose to have a 5:30 flight but that was delayed by a good half hour. Finally boarded and made our way to OH. Pretty quick flight(probably an hour and a half). No problems in OH. Landed and then found out connecting flight. Made it to San Antonino at 11:57pm. Right on time! Hit up baggage claim and made our way outside to grab a taxi. Fuck! Smacked right in the face by the TX heat as soon as we're outside. 11:00pm and it's probably still about 80 degrees out. We got our taxi and it was off to the Alamo Lodge. When asked by the female cab driver where we were going and upouning saying "Alamo Lodge" she responded with "You Don't Wanna Go Their". "I'll Take You Around The Block To The Super 8" We died laughing. Made it to the Alamo and checked in. Had a bit of a problem with my reservation but got it taken care of. Got our key's and then walked over to our room. Already people partying in the parking lot. Gave a ring to Paul Ledney(Profanatica) and then checked out room. The room was pretty dumpy. What I was expecting. Dirty carpet with cigarette burns and stains. Holes in the wall behind the front door and the bathroom door. Smashed bug gut's on the wall next to the mirror and on the dresser. Spotted numerous bugs and roaches as soon as the lights went out. But we had airconditioning, our own beds and towels. The beds and towels were pretty clean. Paul gave me a ring back and we met Paul, John Gelso(Profanatica), Blake(Profanatica drummer), and Nondor outside our room. Hung out for awhile and called it a night. We were all exhausted from travel and the heat. Not before Devon, myself, and Anthony hit up the 24hr quicky mart adjoined to the Valero gas-station. Ahhhh the Valero. What would we have done without you?! All those late night beer, soda, water, candy, and corn dog runs over the course of 3 day's.

Fri 6/21/08- We talked about going for breakfast and then taking in the Profanatica rehearsal. Devon and i woke up way too late. We headed over to Sam's Burger Joint instead for lunch. Man, this place has kick ass burgers. After the burger we head over to the Valero to grab booze and some other shit. Low and behold in walks the Profanatica guys and he hitch a ride back with em' to the Alamo Lodge. We basically all hung out drinking and shooting the shit. It really got too hot for us all and we retired to our rooms. Resting up for the nights cookout. Devon and I passed out when we woke it was already 9pm. Looking out the window and seeing no BBQ we ventured into the night and the sketchy neighborhood surrounding the Lodge to seek food. Maybe 2 minutes up from lodge is a bar/club called The Boneyard. Old Misfits was blasting from inside the place. Shame we never bothered with the place the whole time we were there. Might have been fun. The whole area around the Alamo Lodge is dead. It's pretty much an industrial area with alot of rundown and boarded up factories, businesses, and food joints. We remember spotting two restaurants next to each other when the taxi was heading towards the lodge that was a block or
two from the Alamo. We found em' and we decided on trying the Liberty Bar first. Huge old Victorian looking house that is actually a bar/restaurant. From the outside you'd swear the place is about to cave in. The front is just literally leaning and pushed in. Inside you really couldn't tell though. Crazy! The booze was cheap and the food was excellent. Early AM by the time we leave and head back to our room. When we get back the parking lot is filled and the cookout in on. I really had intentions to hit up the little get together but passed out. When I looked over Devon was out too. That's what happens when drinking in 100 plus degree weather all day long.

Devon(December Wolves) and John Gelso(Profanatica)
Paul Ledney(Profanatica)
Sat 6/21/08- Finally the day of the show! Basically I just rolled out of bed and hit the shower then walked over to the Alamo office to get directions to the Rock Bottom Tattoo bar. The place where the show was being held. Thankfully it's only a 10-15 minute walk. Man, it was fucking hot out yet again. Made it to the club around 2ish in the afternoon. Show was suppose to start then. We waited around for about a half hour or so and then saw Paul. Profanatica was just about to do a soundcheck. We then knew it would be awhile longer before they started letting people in so we decided to take a walk to find a place to eat. What a pain in the balls that proved to be. We must of walked 30-45 minutes till we found a place to eat. We grabbed a lite lunch at Laudary's Seafood. Without us knowing we had actually walked to an area of the river walk which meant we were a few minutes from the Alamo. Shit! By the time we made our way back to the club we had missed the opening band Rituals Of A Blasphemer and the majority of Nuclear Desecrations set. Though I was able to snap one picture. Thornspawn was up next. Raw and dirty was their set. Kinda quick but they made their point. Father Befouled were really good! Have that old Incantation vibe going on. Slow, sludgy, and doomy death metal. Old school for sure. I was impressed. Prosanctus Inferi bulldozed through their set of Blasphemy and Black Witchery inspired material. Nosvrolok didn't do much for me. Early 90's inspired Norwegian black metal. Cemetery Urn crushed! Full on brutality from the start. The best elements Corpse Molestation and Bestial Warlust combined. Matter of fact that did a cover of "Spontaneous Combustion" from Corpse Molestation. Thankfully that had good sound. So the guitars were heavy and drums spot on and wicked fast. I make my way back up the front just minutes away from Profanatica being ready to start. After a 16 year wait from the last time I saw the band at club baby head in RI the excitement for reunion is in full force. The Shining soundtrack is cued and soon out comes the band. Decked out as nuns with pigs blood covering front man Paul. From the opening track "Spilling Holy Blood" the mayhem ensued. Both on the stage and on the floor. Paul spit blood on the audience and John. At one point even threw bottles at John. The crowd response was intense. Fist pumping, devil horns. Even violence, as someone close to the stage was bothering Paul was wrestled to the ground never to be seen again up front again. The sound was heavy and Pauls vocals were dead on. Despite the PA giving out a one point the performance has to counted among the best Profanatica has ever done. Alex(Deathgasm Records) on bass, and Blake(Demoncy) on drums both did excellent jobs that should be pointed out. I'd love to hear an a new Profanatica album from this lineup. The Profanatica performance took alot out of myself. I was drenched with sweat and pretty buzzed on 12 or so of the $3 Shiner Bock and Guinness. Devon and I missed both Gospel Of The Horns and Holocaust Wolves Of The Apocalypse. On the verve of collapsing from the heat in the venue and amount of alcohol consumed we mustard up our last bit of strength and make the walk back to the Alamo Lodge. Admittedly a bit disappointed I missed the last 2 acts I find reassurance in that it was Profanatica I traveled the most to see who's set made the trip all the worthwhile. All in all a great time at the Rock Bottom Tattoo Bar(who's men room rivals that of old CBGB's) and the SOTNC 9 fest itself. I would also like to say thanks and hellos and thanks to Francisco(They Feeble Savior/Hypo Christians/No Weak Shit), and Marco(State Art), It's was really great to meet and hang with you guy's after all these years. And cheers to the Splatterreah guy's for saying hello as well. Completed drained and lifeless we crashed out in our room. Devon entertained the idea of going over to Neils(Krieg) room to party but that never happened. Besides we had to get for 11am on Sunday.
Sun 6/22/08- While everyone was making there way home or recovering from their hangovers Devon and I took in the sights of San Antonino. Namely the Alamo and River Walk. Devon's friend Michelle traveled up from Sweet Water TX to meet us and drive us to do see some sight seeing. Great day and times. Saw loads of historic and famous buildings, monuments, etc by foot and via a boat ride. Our day ended around 5pm as Michelle had 4 hour drive back to Sweet Water. Devon and hung around the hotel and order some take out pizza and wings. That was a mistake. The food sucked. And wouldn't you know it I figured out to get cable on the tv the last night we were there. We got to watch a Roman Polanski documentary. I really tried to get some sleep early as we had to wake up 3am to get catch our cab back to the San Antonio airport for our 6:20am flight to Newark NJ to New Hampshire.
The Alamo(San Antonino TX 6-23-08)
Mon 6/23/08- Hardly slept and 3am is here already. Our cab is on it's way and I have the shits. That damn piazza and wings! Get to the airport to find out flight has been canceled! Fucking kidding me? They claim(Continental Airlines) to have called. Not me! Well, we decide to fly into Houston at 10am. No way we wanted to wait till 11:45am for our reschedule and get back to NH at 9:00pm. I still have to drive 2hrs and 45mins back to CT. So in Houston we took our chances with a standby. Then when we got to OH we had standby again. Finally at 3:30pm we were on our way to NH. 12hrs of fucken traveling!! We touch down in NH at 5pm. Devon gets us back to his house I grab my things and hit the road. Stop at Burger King and Subway and finally get back to my house in CT at about 9:30pm. Farted around the house and on-line and finally went to bed about 2:30am. Almost 24hrs without sleep!
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