Last week was a pretty stressful and eventful week for me. Car problems, PC troubles, and long nights at work. The icing on the cake was the passing of my grandfather on thurs. Pretty upsetting but at least his suffering is over. RIP Grandamps!
Anyway, spring is close and with it summer just around the corner. That means it's again time for the Maryland Death Fest. Be my third time in row. I'm looking forward to seeing...Brutal Truth, Vomitory, Dead Infection, General Surgery, Regurgitate, Gut, Cripple Bastard, Retaliation, Rotten Sound, Birdflesh, Cock and Ball Torture, Nunwhore Commando 666, Looking for an Answer, Exhale, Flagitious Idiosyncrasy in the Dilapidation. I'm gonna post MDF pix from past shows in a month or so that my buddy Devon has taken over the last 3 years. I'll also be attending Central Illinois Metalfest '07 in july. I can't pass up seeing the re-united Impetigo aong with Mortician and Cianide. Been 15 years since I last saw Impetigo. That was in RI at Club Baby Head. What a show! Incantation, Headrot, Embalmer, Deceased, Vital Remains, Phelgm etc also played.
CMI 07
Besides the cool metal fests comming up soon, baseball season is almost upoun us. Let's Go Mets! I'm psyched for another exciting year. I'm predicting a dog fight between NY, Philly, and the Braves.Not much left to say. Movie and music playlist time...
Profanatica-Profanatitas De Domonatia
Forgotten Tomb-Negative Meglomania
Ataraxie-Slow Transcending Agony
Brandkommando - Time Of Violence 2CDR
Dødheimsgard - Supervillain Outcast
Black Sabbath-Mob Rules
Marduk - Rom 512
Wraith Of The Ropes - The Red Door Demo 2005
Burning Saviours-Hundus
Russian Circles-Enter
Abraham Cross - Peace Can't Combine 12'' 2002
Funeral Mourning - Drown In Solitude
Uncertainty Principle(Various)
Funebrarum/Interment-Conjuration Of The Sepulchral
I Dismember Momma
The Losers
Ghost Rider
To The Devil A Daughter
Escape From NY
Voivod-DVOD 1
Vice Squad
Lost-new season
Comming Apart
American Ninja
The Great Ectasy Of Robert Carmicheal
The Spook Who Sat By The Door
Wassup Rockers
Zombies Of Sugar Hill
Here's a few cool movie related sites to check out:
Download a few tunes off of the soundtrack to Island Of Death!
Soledad Miranda-My fave Euro Cult Scarlet and Jess Franco's too. Awesome fansite for you to check out at:
Hey, did you know Soledad sang? Yeah, she reorded a few records and you can listen to mp3's right at this site..

My Grandfather with my nephews. Arthur Connolly 1917-2007.
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